CrossFit Rice Lake

  • Make Working Out FUN!

    Our workouts are varied but not random. Our members follow a thoughtfully designed program that incorporates all aspects of fitness. We constantly vary exercises to avoid overuse, plateaus and boredom. No matter what your experience level, our coaches will help push you to the next level.

  • Work Hard and Get Results.

    Our high Intensity workouts will help you burn fat, gain lean muscle and achieve your best fitness. Our coaches are experts at helping you find the right workout level to push your limits while keeping you safely progressing toward your goals.

  • Move Better with Purpose.

    Our focus on functional movements helps strengthen your core, improve flexibility and optimize your movement patterns for real-world fitness and longevity. We make fitness a way of life that goes far beyond the walls of the gym.

You’ve got this! Click Get Started to see upcoming beginner courses.